Managers of the prodigious fortune being shipped to Louisiana by the Feds might look to the Cleveland Indians for how to manage the money. The Indians pay less to their top six players (combined) than the Yankees pay to their shortstop. The two teams are only one game apart in the standings for the wild card, should the Yankees not take their division this weekend. Guesses as to the current management in Louisiana and how they'll spend the money: look for a vacation for all state and municipal employees in Las Vegas. Perhaps Mayor Nagin, who bought a house for his family in Dallas two weeks after the great Katrina flood, will act as tour guide.

Friday, September 30, 2005
Life Among the Intellectualoids
There are plenty of other scandals in the Nation's Capitol besides the alleged Republican pecadilloes our friends in the MSM are reporting. Like the outrageous behavior of American University's current (suspended) Prez, Benjamin Ladner. In addition to a roughly $800K salary for himself, Ladner has indulged first class travel, a personal chef, an $80K job for his wife, and heavens knows what else. Hey, AU students...ever wonder why your tuition continues to skyrocket?
The AU Board of Trustees was about to roll over on this outrage and reinstate Ladner, but the Washington Post's relentless reportage seems to have tipped things the other way, as per today's update:
If you added up the cost of room, board, and tuition these days at even an average state university, let alone a private institution like AU, the figure encompassing a single year of higher education would begin to rival a pretty good-sized mortgage, at least in the nation's hinterlands. And herein lies one of the great scandals of the still-new 21st century--the out-of-control expense of a college education in the United States. With their doctrinaire leftism, institutionalized political correctness, and an atmosphere of intellectual fear, today's American universities increasingly resemble tony concentration camps. And price for the privilege of attending these intellectual morgues continues to significantly outpace increased costs even for healthcare. And yet, save for isolated outrages such as the AU scandal, the lack of fiscal and intellectual accountability is largely unreported even though its negative effect on the earning power of the average middle class family at least rivals the cost of health insurance.
The current story was apparently too much even for the Post and AU's heretofore wimpy board, not to mention the beleaguered students who've started to demonstrate for Ladner's permanent ouster.
But don't imagine that the Ladner scandal is an isolated incident. The indespensible Victor Davis Hanson has a whole lot more on America's intellectual sinkholes. Read about it here.
The AU Board of Trustees was about to roll over on this outrage and reinstate Ladner, but the Washington Post's relentless reportage seems to have tipped things the other way, as per today's update:
A majority on American University's Board of Trustees has concluded that suspended President Benjamin Ladner must be replaced, according to two sources close to the board. One trustee said some board members are negotiating to get Ladner a generous package for his departure.
If you added up the cost of room, board, and tuition these days at even an average state university, let alone a private institution like AU, the figure encompassing a single year of higher education would begin to rival a pretty good-sized mortgage, at least in the nation's hinterlands. And herein lies one of the great scandals of the still-new 21st century--the out-of-control expense of a college education in the United States. With their doctrinaire leftism, institutionalized political correctness, and an atmosphere of intellectual fear, today's American universities increasingly resemble tony concentration camps. And price for the privilege of attending these intellectual morgues continues to significantly outpace increased costs even for healthcare. And yet, save for isolated outrages such as the AU scandal, the lack of fiscal and intellectual accountability is largely unreported even though its negative effect on the earning power of the average middle class family at least rivals the cost of health insurance.
The current story was apparently too much even for the Post and AU's heretofore wimpy board, not to mention the beleaguered students who've started to demonstrate for Ladner's permanent ouster.
But don't imagine that the Ladner scandal is an isolated incident. The indespensible Victor Davis Hanson has a whole lot more on America's intellectual sinkholes. Read about it here.
President Likes Diana Ross for Court
It is possible that White House sources will say anything so long as they don't have to face the consequences of being identified in the Washington Post. With the advent of the Wilsons and their strange conceptions of truth and reality, this has all changed. So, one may as well reveal sources for stories, such as this one. It is not true that Karl Rove leaked the story that Diana Ross will be named to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. A White House janitor, however, did say that the President liked the Supremes so much as a teenager that he once thought of courting their lead singer.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Signed in twice
Yes, Wonker,
I can sign in now, and have a permanent record of my sign-on. Amazing. Even more amazing. The barrel kept me dry. Maybe I'll try Victoria Falls next.
I can sign in now, and have a permanent record of my sign-on. Amazing. Even more amazing. The barrel kept me dry. Maybe I'll try Victoria Falls next.
Maid of the Mists
Hello, Wonker,
This is Luther, aboard the Maid of the Mist, after successfully going over Niagara Falls. It appears you got my in-transit message which proves that you can have a wireless barrel.
This is Luther, aboard the Maid of the Mist, after successfully going over Niagara Falls. It appears you got my in-transit message which proves that you can have a wireless barrel.
Testing back at you
Good morning, Wonker,
This is Luther and I am writing from a wireless-enabled barrel currently going over Niagara Falls.
This is Luther and I am writing from a wireless-enabled barrel currently going over Niagara Falls.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Testing this blogsite again.
Continuing long range test. Preparing to go live in October.
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