Friday, May 25, 2007

Fred Thompson Does It Again

While the MSM has endlessly pushed the meme that the Democrats won in 2006 because Americans "are against the war," we have continued to vigorously disagree. We've always thought it was more due to disgust by the Republican and Reagan-Democrat base at the Republican Congress' spendthrift ways in the previous Congress. Among other things, we've figured that the Reagan-Dems in particular came to the conclusion that, if they wanted real spendthrifts in Congress, why not vote for authentic Democrats than for Republicans who professed to be fiscal conservatives while behaving like Socialists?

Wonk in particular has also blamed the defeat of former Virginia Republican Senator George Allen not on the dumb "macaca" remark endlessly flogged by the Washington Post in a (successful) effort to bring him down in favor of the born-again Democrat Jim Webb. We blamed it on Northern and Tidewater Virginia Republicans taking out their frustrations on Virginia's majority party which had just rung down the curtain on desperately-needed road improvements in both regions. Since Virginia has offyear state and local elections, the hapless Allen was the only Republican standing that voters could take their frustrations out on in 2006.

Republicans lose elections not "because of Bush's War" or some other excuse promoted by the media. They lose elections because they stop acting like Republicans and start acting like poor imitations of real, socialist Democrats, pretty much the only kind we have these days. Who needs faux socialists when, with the Dems, you can get the real deal, puffer-pigeon righteousness and all.

Pursuing this same point, Fred Thompson—after devastating Idiotarian propagandist Michael Moore recently in a brilliant online video riposte (answering the phony documentarian's challenge to "debate" him)—hit the nail right on the head yesterday in a speech in Atlanta where he kidded the crowd about his potential presidential ambitions before lobbing out this compelling observation:
"Someone once said that a cat won't sit on a hot stove twice, but he won't sit on a cold stove ever," Thompson said. "Here we had an election that was traumatic for some people, and the media blamed it on Iraq. I think it had more to do with pork barrel spending and corruption than it did Iraq."
Yep. So do we.

No doubt about it. This guy is the real deal. He has Ronald Reagan's ability to sell an idea backed up by a self-deprecating, folksy sense of humor. His increasing presence on the public stage strongly indicates that while the original "Law & Order" series may be returning again this fall, it may need to cast a new senior partner in Thompson's current role. Thompson may be off doing something else this fall.

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