Friday, October 19, 2007

Nanny State In Outer Space

No sooner had SpaceShipOne safely landed in the Mojave Desert, making history as the first privately-funded manned space vehicle, than government officials rekindled their desire to regulate this nascent private industry. Such concern for the safety of future space travelers is commendable but somewhat disingenuous, given Congress' rather poor record of oversight in maintaining the safety of NASA's Space Shuttle program...The Nanny State in Space, Chris Banescu,, 11/1/2004

A brilliant article comparing private enterprise's approach to space travel and development with those over at NASA -- the source may be unusual but what's revealed is not. A typical response to an entrepreneurial effort under Nanny State guidance is to try to control, restrain, or otherwise punish the entrepreneur, usually for the greater good. Let's see, what would that be, the reputation of NASA?


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