Friday, June 19, 2009

MSM Inspector Generals Cover-up: Lies, Lies, and More Lies

If a Republican president had fired three inspectors general working on sensitive investigations, the media firestorm would drown out every other story. But that's exactly what The One has done, and only a home town newspaper (well-versed in the ways of Chicago politics), the Chicago Tribune, seems to notice...The three fired IGs are: Gerald Walpin, who blew the whistle on the Mayor of Sacramento, whose organization paid back hundreds of thousands of dollars for misuse of federal community organizing funds, but faced no penalty...Neil Barofsky, tasked with watching over the financial stimulus embroiled in a dispute with the Obama administration that delayed one recent inquiry and sparked questions about his ability to freely investigate...Judith Gwynne...the International Trade Commission told its acting inspector general, who is not subject to White House authority, that her contract would not be renewed....Not Just Walpin: Three IG's Fired, Thomas Lifson, American Thinker, 6/28/2009

Read all of Lifson's story. The transparent administration looks more naked every day.


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