Monday, April 10, 2006

A.N.S.W.E.R. Me This, Batman...

The MSM's Nightly Snooze programs will be loaded will billions and billions of illegal immigrant protestors this evening demanding their "rights." Of course, as illegal non-citizens, the only "right" they have is the right to be deported for being in the U.S. illegally.

First, sports fans, let's get this straight: Wonker SUPPORTS LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Wonker's granddad was an immigrant, Mrs. Wonker herself was an immigrant and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, and Wonker's best high school pal is married to a naturalized U.S. citizen who was once a Mexican migrant worker. Immigration and opportunity are what make this country great, and our greatness is precisely why we are having a real problem right now with illegal immigration. The bulk of governments to our south, frankly, are, no matter what they call themselves, dysfunctional kleptocracies. Is it any wonder people are trying to get the hell out?

That having been said, if we don't start regulating our borders pretty soon, we're going to get swamped by folks who, while looking for opportunity and a better life, carry with them the failed paradigms they learned south of the border. Since we as a nation seem to have forgotten about things like legal registration, citizenship classes, and "Americanization Schools" (whatever happened to them?), we are passively creating a growing mass of individuals who, like the rioters in France, have no clue how things work here, not very much of the English language, which is a pre-requisite to success, and who can be easily manipulated by the charlatans on the left in this country.

The answer to these problems is securing and regulating our borders and creating a functional system that encourages orderly, LEGAL immigration and funds and requires education for new immigrants on the elements of U.S. citizenship as well as the English language which unites us all. But some enterprising folks on the left, the usual suspects, in fact, want just the opposite, and are adeptly creating a Vietnam-era style "groundswell" that is very shortly going to get out of hand, and probably cause a backlash, which is what these class warfare experts are actually aiming for.

Yes, we're talking about those lovely people from A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), the hard left group that's been behind pretty much all the anti-Bush, anti-Iraq War mass demos pretty much since we were first attacked on 9/11.

When you watch the footage of the demos tonight, remember this:

ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), a front for the communist/socialist Workers World Party, which was identified by former FBI Director Louis Freeh as a “domestic terrorist group,” is behind the immigrant rallies taking place around the nation.

ANSWER provided logistics (signs) for the immigrant rally in L.A. on March 25. ANSWER claims credit for organizing that rally.

A.N.S.W.E.R. (as they spell it) is in fact the public cadre for the Workers World Party (WWP), which

supports the Chinese communist government, and encouraged its use of tanks against students demonstrating in favor of democracy in Tiannamen Square in 1989, where many died. In the past, it defended Soviet suppression of worker rebellions in eastern European countries, and in 1991 supported the KGB coup against former Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev. The W.W.P. is a staunch advocate of Kim Jong II.
This and more info here, including lots of pix that show the signs carried by last week's demonstrators were manufactured by A.N.S.W.E.R. Wonder who paid for 'em, hmm?

It's high time the government investigated just who's paying the freight at A.N.S.W.E.R., but perhaps potential investigators are afraid of being called "fascists." Well, they're being called that anyway, so what's to worry about. We are looking at a well-funded organization here that is committed to the overthrow of the U.S. government by any means necessary. As with our comments yesterday, that's treason, fans. If we remain squeamish about what these criminals will say when that word is even mentioned, we'll deserve every rotten thing that they've planned for us.

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs.

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