Tuesday, April 11, 2006

More A.N.S.W.E.R.s

Although they got big media hype yesterday, the huge immigration marches that took place were, in general, surprisingly low in turnout according to Power Line which had helped coordinate blog coverage of the events. Once again, the demos were promoted and funded by A.N.S.W.E.R., the hard-left public arm of the Stalinist Workers World Party (WWP). The result was a fair number of Commie banners in the demonstration, such as in this photo borrowed from PowerLine, which was taken in the NYC demo:

Note the Che Guevara flag almost dead center. These Boomer clowns never seem capable of jettisoning their old, Commie-loving Vietnam memories, do they? And of course, this was the real reason why A.N.S.W.E.R. sponsored this demo as they sponsor anti-Global War on Terror demos. (BTW, according to Power Line, the fellow in the dark blue shirt at the right is an A.N.S.W.E.R. bigwig.) The real reason for their presence is to coopt folks demonstrating for other means in order to inflate A.N.S.W.E.R.'s apparent numbers, making them seem stronger than they really are. In other words, these are Stalinists who effectively either create or hijack demonstrations that are meant for one thing, and use it to promote the long-discredited but still pernicious Communist agenda.

Power Line comments:

International A.N.S.W.E.R. passed out thousands of mass-produced, yellow and black signs with exactly the same message. You can see them prominently displayed in our video footage from New York. Here, though, is what I think is even more interesting. At either of the two New York Times pages linked above, [here and here] you can also link to the Times' own video of the New York demonstration. Take a look at it.

Look at the sea of yellow and black, International A.N.S.W.E.R. signs. They vastly outnumber all other signs and banners. They are the dominant visual image of the New York demonstration. It is inconceivable that the Times' reporters could have failed to note the prominent role played by A.N.S.W.E.R. in running the demonstration, or the dominant role played by that group in equipping theprotesters with signs. Yet the organization's role was not acknowledged by the Times, or, to my knowledge, by any other newspaper. Why? The Times' reporters were obviously aware of A.N.S.W.E.R.'s prominent involvement, and thirty seconds' worth of research would have disclosed the fact that the group is an unabashedly Communist organization. It wouldn't have taken much more than that to learn that A.N.S.W.E.R.'s National Coordinator has said that illegal immigration can be the "catalyst for a broader class struggle, even possibly a revolutionary struggle."

Now, I'm not suggesting that most of those who carried A.N.S.W.E.R.'s signs in yesterday's demonstrations sympathize with, or are even aware of, that group's extremist agenda. But isn't A.N.S.W.E.R.'s role newsworthy? Isn't it something that newspaper readers need to be aware of, to get a balanced picture of the demonstrations?

The Times doesn't think so. The Times made the editorial judgment that you're better off not knowing who was responsible for that sea of yellow and black signs so clearly depicted in their own video. Because, when mainstream media organizations start referring to "mischievous toddlers," it's not hard to figure out whose side you're supposed to be on.

Which illustrates pretty well, I think, why we need citizen journalism.

We agree. A leftish friend of ours, a few years back, happily hitched a bus to a DC anti-war demo led by A.N.S.W.E.R., which also apparently had the money to provide plenty of buses. Innocently, my friend shared with the Philadelphia leader of that city's bus brigade, who also happened to be an official of that organization, a copy of a friendly bit of advice I'd emailed her. I had warned my friend to be careful not to get near any of the anarchists and Commies who were sure to be in the demo, as it was not too long after 9/11. The memory of the Pentagon was still fresh, we still hadn't actually gone to war in Iraq, and I felt the cops might be a little less than sympathetic to people whose agenda was trashing the U.S.

Emailing my friend back, the female A.N.S.W.E.R. official would've made Hillary blush with her foul invective denouncing me and other right wing slime, completely missing the whole purpose of my missive. And, fun enough, somehow I was still in the cc: line (usually these people are more careful) and received her slanderous email, never meant for my eyes, which was obviously not my Communist antagonist's intention.

As a result, I decided to respond directly and shocked her with a couple of exchanges where I questioned her integrity and reasoning. She proved completely flustered and unable to parry my questions about her agenda as do most leftists who are only used to associating with their own kind. These people typically are not challenged, and this proved to be an unpleasant experience for her, one from which she extricated herself as quickly as she could. Leftist cant simply can't stand up to reason, at least in part because they don't believe in reason, only the programmed party line.

I challenged my friend why she would hang out with such people. She admitted she sort of knew what their agenda was, but since they were helping out in a "good cause," she didn't have a whole lot of difficulty with making use of their support.

This was naive, which is typical of those who regard themselves as liberals when they encounter the truly hard left. In point of fact, a significant number of people like my friend were coopted by A.N.S.W.E.R. to vastly increase the otherwise small number of demonstrators who would have turned out for an openly Communist event. Thus, the organization was able to show the cameras that it had far more "supporters" than it really has which was a real propaganda coup. The press never reported this, nor did they report the speeches of invited speakers, which included Islamofascist imams who loudly denounced the U.S. and threatened the infidels with death. Such duplicity was always the calling card of the American Communists, even in the 1930s, where their stock in trade was quietly infiltrating and then taking over citizen organizations. At which point they'd turn the organization into another Communist or socialist cadre, no matter what the organization's original mission.

This, in fact, is what's happened over the years to organizations as diverse as the American Bar Association, the American Medical Association, The Sierra Club, etc., all of which are now simply tools of the left and stooges of the Democratic party.

When Communist-led happenings like the antiwar demonstrations and the current ones are not properly characterized by the media, the Communist organizations score a PR coup each and every time. Many members of the MSM are so sympathetic to the hard left that they may not even notice what's going on. Others purposely ignore it and make use of such bogus demos to continue Bush-bashing, which has gotten really effective lately if you look at the polls (which in themselves have become another form of leftist propaganda).

Basically, my friend was duped by A.N.S.W.E.R. as were a good many of the Latino demonstrators yesterday and last week. Further, the Latino demonstrators may soon discover that these Stalinist organized demonstrations may actually have a more sinister purpose. The ignorant MSM has failed to detect the massive backlash that's building among American citizens of all stripes who are absolutely disgusted that what they thought was their government, the one that supposedly represents them, is prepared to file capitulation legislation effectively proclaiming that illegal immigration is a fine thing. Such a backlash could grow to the point where the hard left could delcare "class warfare," which is precisely what their agenda is.

This, of course, is a goal as well for the hard left Democrats who believe that every Latino they can register to vote will perpetually cast a vote for them. That's just swell, and an excellent way to rebuild a dying party. But what kind of message are these Dems sending to new citizens and old about respect for the law and the value of citizenship? The Dems, frankly, don't care. The Republicans are wimping out. But the vast majority of U.S. citizens are very, very afraid of what this means. And they're not racists, as any lefty will try to convince you that they are. Rather, they are deathly afraid of the chaos that will begin to reign in this country when a vast and increasing number of outsiders have a stake neither in our country nor its ideals. If they say nothing, their fears will be fulfilled. If they themselves take to the street, the Stalinists will declare class warfare and things could get violent. Both of which would suit the left just fine. These are despicable people.

Laws only work when they're enforced. What's being proposed here in terms of immigration is the legal equivalent of lowering the basket to 6 ft in the NBA, or bringing the outfield fence in about 200 ft in major league baseball. Suddenly, there's no longer any point buying tickets or in playing the game.

And that's what A.N.S.W.E.R. really wants. The complete breakdown of our society. So their Stalinist cohorts can win without firing a shot. This is the perfection of the Gramscian approach. But few ever saw this one coming.

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