Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lamont and His Ilk

Wonker has often opined to anyone who will listen that part of the problem with Democrats-Socialists-Redistributionists-Marxists in the U.S. is that the most obnoxious and vociferous of them happily feed at the trough of capitalism and enjoy far more wealth and a vastly more opulent lifestyle than you or I. This is particularly true in the entertainment world where Hollywood stars with empty brains and bulging wallets bitterly lecture us peons on how evil and selfish we are, and a bunch of polluters to boot. Then they happily kick their Hummers into gear and drive off into the Sunset Strip, smug and happy that they are so smart.

The left in this country (and in Europe for that matter) has become a like we used to think Republicans were, a self-congratulatory country club crowd of smug, rich bastards who think they are somehow entitled to lead because they are so much better and smarter than we. And above all, they get invited to the best parties.

And herein lies the crux of the matter. Slaves to their tribe, fashionable country club and entertainment lefties dare not break with the Party Line, such as it is, or they risk ostracization from the best clubs, the best parties, and automatic Pulitzer Prizes for treason. So they won't do it, even to save their lives. As if they needed an example of what happens to those who dare to stray from their faux-Marxist orthodoxy, they have the example of Joe Lieberman, who, having strayed from the socialist path on a single issue—the life and death struggle between the free world and the Islamo-Nazis—had his incumbent head handed to him on a platter by wealthy Commie Ned Lamont in the People's Republic of Connecticut.

Blogger, mystery novelist, and screenwriter Roger L. Simon—hardly a conservative, but sensibly caucusing with them in these troubled times—sums this up perhaps more pithily, observing that:
The problem with Lamont and his ilk is that they are unable to wrap their minds around the fact that Islamic Fascsim is a deeply real and pervasive phenomenon with hundreds of millions of adherents and fellow travelers. Surely, these soi-disant liberals think, these people can be reasoned with. But it couldn't be more obvious that they can't. They are imbued with a fanatical religious culture vastly different from and in complete opposition to ours. However, for these "liberals" to face this uncomfortable reality would vastly disrupt their weltanschauung and cost them power, money, position, prestige, etc. It might even cause personality disintegration. This is the Culture of Narcissism gone berserk.

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