Monday, August 21, 2006

Shut Up and Listen to the Left

Lefty law prof Lawrence Tribe has been urging folks to just look at the conclusion of Judge Taylor's idiotic ruling against the NSA wiretaps last week. Forget the reasoning behind it, which is, in fact, the cause of much bitter mirth, even in lefty legal circles, due to its utter ineptitude.

Tribe's admonition betrays its Marxist core. Marxism, after all, runs on the engine of the dialectic, fueld by party discipline. And if the party says it's so, well then, it's so. So don't bother me with logic, which is a tool of imperialist hegemonists anyway.

Ann Althouse calls him on his smug elitism and contradictory reasoning, linking it to Rathergate's "fake but accurate" meme. Meanwhile, Power Line's John Hinderaker, himself an attorney, makes the following observation:
A lot of years have gone by since I knew Larry Tribe as a superbly fair-minded professor. It is inconceivable that, in those days, he would have defended a district court opinion that failed even to acknowledge the fact that it conflicted with every appellate decision on the controlling issue. But the Democratic Party, to which Larry is loyal, has become a party of hate; and hate has superseded any pretense of rational analysis. It is a sad fate for a once-fine intellect.
Indeed. But I've never seen any evidence, over his long and loud career, that Tribe ever had a "once-fine intellect." If he ever did possess this grasp of the law, it was soon extinguished by the necessity of adhering to the party line. Pathetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the writer mean once pointy-headed intellect.