Friday, March 09, 2007

Clintons & China: A Story That Won't Go Away

Yao Yunzhu, a Chinese one-star general...: "Outer space is going to be weaponized in our lifetime," she said. If there's going to be a space superpower, "It will have company -- China." Meanwhile, halfway around the world Senator Hillary Clinton announced on January 20 that she would be a candidate for president in 2008. The two events seemed unrelated -- on the surface. In fact, the evidence is persuasive that Mrs. Clinton, during her years as First Lady, knowingly facilitated the transfer of top U.S. military secrets by way of Chinese spies their network of military and financial influence-peddlers. What China got was technology. What she, her husband and their party got in return were campaign contributions...Reporters ought to remind Hillary Clinton of three names above all others -- Charlie Trie, Johnny Huang and James Riady. ..There are, as one soon shall see, good reasons for their omissions. 'China's Bamboo Network', Carl F. Horowitz, Front Page Magazine, 3/9/2007

Back in 1998, a lot of people hooted and guffawed at Charles McCarry's Lucky Bastard, a roman a clef where it was posited that a couple who seemed an awful lot like the Clintons were at first Soviet agents and then, when the USSR collapsed in 1991, were 'traded' by the KGB unit they worked for to the Chinese. It doesn't seem so funny now, nor has it for a long time in allegations about the then Vice President acting as a bagman for Chinese contributions to the Clinton campaign. This article takes more laughs out of McCarry's hilarious book. When a leading candidate for President has a history of acting as an agent for a foreign and hostile power, questions need to be asked and attention paid.


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