Friday, May 25, 2007

Why Jimmy Can't Read?

Contrary to the popular refrain that Iraq is a “distraction” from the true fight against terrorism, al-Qaeda has in recent years suffered serious defeats. Consider that of the operatives that bin Laden hoped to involve in his plot to attack the United States, al-Libi was captured and is now out of commission in much-maligned Guantanamo Bay; al-Rabia was killed in 2005 in Pakistan; and al-Zarqawi met his unlamented end in a June 2006 strike by the U.S. military in Diyala province...Not that you will hear this from the war’s critics. To acknowledge success would require them to concede that Iraq is...the frontline in the global war on admission that, on the question of Iraq’s centrality to the war against al-Qaeda, President Bush is right...Iraqis are more forthright. Lt. Gen. Aboud Qanbar, the Iraqi commander overseeing the security plan, told the Washington Post...that while sectarian violence is the leading problem in the country, it cannot be understood apart from al-Qaeda‘s involvement...“Terrorists of al-Qaeda and the enemies of Iraq, they want to start a crisis. The objective behind this is to incite sectarian strife.”...,The Right Fight, Jacob Laksin, Front Page Magazine, 5/25/2007

The Democrats who ignore this, that is to say, most of those quoted regularly by MSM, not only don't read, hear, or see this stuff -- the finest type of surrender monkey, but are close to declaring that the only hope for the Left is an alliance with radical Islam. How so? Surrender to your enemy abroad is often a means to wage war on your enemies at home. When the Third Republic of France surrendered to Hitler in 1940, no small part of the French elite's motivations was the hope that the Nazis would rid France of her troublemakers, i.e., the political opposition. What's your motivation, Mr. Reid?


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