Wednesday, June 06, 2007

U.S. Immigration Bill: Take 2

Although no one wants to discuss this publicly, the apparently bi-partisan support for the idiotic immigration bill—actually an AMNESTY BILL, no matter how much it's supporters get their knickers in a knot about this terminology—is already DOA as far as the average American is concerned.

This bill, and others like it, will ultimately replicate the disastrous initial amnesty bill of the 1980s whose main effect was to communicate to illegal aliens that we weren't serious about enforcing our own laws or borders.

California Dems took this a step further under the Clintonistas by skirting existing laws and registering enough illegals in that state to render it a pretty much permanent prize of that party. Now the Dems want to get enough illegals into our entitlements system and onto the voting rolls to take away the rest of the southern tier of Western states from the Republicans.

Which is why our Republican president, otherwise astute in many things, MSM slanders aside, is really supporting this very bad bill as well. He wants the Republican Party to get into the game and buy votes too, before the Dems get 'em all!

It is amazing that our pols on both sides of the aisle have become so universally asinine on this issue, betraying as they do our national interests by shamelessly pandering to illegals who've swamped us over the past 20 years or so fully expecting that one day they, too, will gain amnesty for their criminal activities. Hey, dudes, WHAT ABOUT THE CITIZENS WHO VOTED FOR YOU? Gee, are we shouting here, or what?

What's fascinating is that all these fools on the hill, and in the White House as well sad to say, have no clue as to how pissed off the electorate is getting on this issue. They are as out of touch as any sorry bunch of pols have been in this history of this country. Don't believe me? Fine. How about the Rasmussen polling organization which is more often right than wrong? Substantial majorities of voters on both sides of the aisle want border enforcement FIRST before we even start to talk about "immigration reform." In other words, let's enforce existing laws before we write new ones. What a concept. Read the details here.

Of course, a column like this one and others like it will be routinely denounced as racist and nativist. But again, these are simplistic, Stalinist attacks that simply don't apply. Every country on this globe, most particularly Mexico, is interested in keeping its borders safe and secure. Why does our desire to do the same thing here in the U.S. get so much flak?

Favoring the enforcement of immigration laws on the books is not anti-immigrant, just as HazZzMat is not anti-immigrant. It's simply common sense. Up to this point in history, we've been a nation of LEGAL immigrants, by and large, and the system has not worked badly. What's the point of blowing it up just so existing political parties can entrench the incumbants by auctioning off the new voters? What's in it for LEGAL Americans, of whom Mrs. Wonker is one. Something to think about. Write or call your Congressman today and point out the latest Rasmussen poll. Politicians are supposed to keep their constituents informed. In this case, looks like the opposite is going to have to happen. Otherwise, you and I know what to do next fall, right?

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