Monday, May 22, 2006

And Now, an Apology, from the Left!

As an antidote to our previous story on the courtesy shown Condi Rice at Boston College, which probably has our liberal friends searching for the nearest spare air-sickness bag, how about this one:
As keynote commencement speaker, Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger "apologized" to graduates at the State University of New York at New Paltz on Sunday for the failure of his generation to stop the Iraq War and to sufficiently promote "fundamental human rights" like abortion, immigration, and gay marriage.

Daily Freeman reporter Paul Kirby quotes from Sulzberger's address, which he begins with a facetious "apology" to the class for being part of the generation that let them down due to insufficient liberal activism.
Wonder which of the Kos Kids wrote this speech? Too bad we already gave out our May Glass Navel Award in our previous commentary. Rich kid Sulzberger is yet another conceited Boomer ass. He has a lot to apologize for, but none of it is mentioned in his comments. He could make a start by apologizing for turning America's Newspaper of Record into an absolute joke and by supporting the beginning of the end of all respect for American newspaper journalism.

But wait. There's more:
Kirby reports: "Sulzberger added the graduates weren't supposed to be let into a world 'where oil still drives policy and environmentalists have to relentlessly fight for every gain. You weren't. But you are and I am sorry for that.'"
We'd agree that Sulzberger is sorry. A sorry, pompous ass. How pathetic is this?

Read the rest here.

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