Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Medicare/Medicaid: Bernie Madoff Was an Amateur

Every year, criminals and cheats pilfer over $100 billion — that’s $40 billion more than Bernie Madoff scammed off his investors [in twenty years: ED.] — in federal benefits to which they are not legally entitled. Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, refundable tax credits, and many other programs are targets for looting....Bigger Than Madoff, Chris Edwards & Tad DeHaven, National Review, 7/15/2009

Medicare, Medicaid are two medical programs in effect for more than thirty years. Has the government cleaned them up? If this is the result of government care for the elderly and the infirm, what can we expect from a national health-care-for-all program?

It is curious, considering how many headlines, TV stories, and blog entries have been devoted to genuine documentation of fraud in government medical care that Congress and the President are being allowed to take over the whole system. Lemmings follow the leader over a cliff. Since when has that been the case with Americans?


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