Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Another Reason Why Cloning Is A Bad Idea

One of the easier markers of mass media-think for decades has been the way stories repeat from network to network, newspaper to newspaper, as if (heaven forefend) reporters lacked the imagination to check a story for themselves, or were clones.

Christopher Hitchens, a regular on the otherwise left-clonish Slate, has some serious thoughts on the subject in his esssay on coverage of Iraq's historical and contemporary divisions in Tribal Ignorance today, which is about the American mass media, not about Iraq! His accusation is not as brief as Zola's, but it may go further in effect: "One of the most boring and philistine habits of our media is the insistence on using partitionist and segregationist language that most journalists would scorn to employ if they were discussing a society they actually knew." Read the rest at the link.


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