Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Revenge of Chuckie" Scuttled

Well, will you get a load of the frenzied Bush-bashing fusillades from the right as W makes his unpredictable latest pick for the Soo-premes! George Will's elitist temper tantrum was as over-the-top as it was over-quoted. And here's TKS' snit. Add to all this the predictable fake "conservatives" from the left bloviating on various rightie blogs, and it looks like this nomination is already a rout.

But keep in mind several things, folks. The Constitution says nothing about a justice even having to possess a law degree let alone have years of service as a sitting judge. And George Will notwithstanding, it also says nothing about the position requiring a degree from Harvard or Yale. W has already learned from his father's two big mistakes--his broken "no new taxes" pledge and his blind appointment of the absolutely awful David Souter to the High Court. He won't have made the same mistake here.

Further, it'll be hard for the Dems to unload on Ms. Miers. She's already got the gender issue covered, and, as the President's counsel for many years, her paper trail in the White House, such as it is, is subject to Executive Privilege, which Bush will claim, scuttling the "Revenge of Chuckie" on the Senate floor even before it goes into production.

The culture wars are fought in sometimes un-obvious ways. This is one of them. Stay tuned.

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