Sunday, October 16, 2005

Good News From Iraq?

Well, yes, they held a vote on the new constitution yesterday, and the country still exists this morning. You can bet this won't get a lot of coverage in the MSM after today. It doesn't fit in with the pre-written "story" of "another quagmire."

What we have instead is another victory for the Iraqi people and the Bushies and another defeat for the Gramscian leftists who will do anything to create Vietnam redux on the homefront at a time when we can least afford it, as we verge toward a slow motion but sloppy victory in that difficult part of the world.

A U.S. Marine put it best:

As Americans we want things done yesterday and have little patience for things not produced now. Patience is what is needed here and the coward left wing bed wetters won’t understand that. Iraq is where the US was 200 yrs ago. Will their constitution change? Yes of course as ours still changes to this day. Will there be continued fighting? Yes, there are plenty of scumbags here that need to be delt with as they recognize that their days are numbered now since they couldnt alter the elections. The fact that there wasn’t a major mass casualty of voters, SBVIED in polling centers or assassinations conducted that the foaming mouth reporters could get in the middle of just reinforces how far the Iraqi forces have come and how they are getting stronger than the scumbags. Reporter’s countrywide saturated the area days prior to the elections to hopefully catch the US forces failing. Well to damn bad it didn’t happen so pound sand! You be the judge on just how much coverage there is of the actual elections on the news tomorrow. My bet is that there won’t be much beside some BS doubters or what if this or what if that negative crap on. I know that if there were an unsuccessful election, it would have been nothing but “Breaking News” shots about how we failed. It’s a good day to be an American, stand tall America we helped a country get on its feet today.

Click here for the rest of this post. Obviously, soldiers of this generation have learned, perhaps from Vietnam Era commanders, that they should just get the job done and never listen to the media.

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