Thursday, July 27, 2006

Civilian Casualties, Part V

Actually, we're just going to spend a brief moment today on a variant of "innocent civilian casualties." We're talking about the multi-day brouhaha concerning the deaths of 4 UN observers that the always prescient and learned Kofi Annan regards a deliberate murder by the Israelis. But were the Israelis aiming at these "innocent peacekeeper casualties"? Belmont Club's Wretchard is not so sure, citing the UN press release making the accusation:
The one question unanswered by the UNIFIL press release is what the Israelis were firing at. There is no indication that the Hezbollah were firing from Kiyam in the press release. Alma ash Shab, Tibnin, Brashit, and At Tiri, but no Kiyam.
Yup, but Hezbollah were firing, firing very, very close to the UN outpost, inviting the Israelis to come get them, and, arguably, setting the UN "human shields" up for destruction. Just the way they use women, babies, and old people to draw fire, killing the innocents while preserving their own "brave warriors." The MSM, of course, implacably hostile to Israel (which they have to be since Bush supports them), simply buys the Hezbollah propaganda. The ruse is transparent, but only if you're not blinded by ideology.

The Iranians, meanwhile, have been meeting with the Syrians and Hezbollah bigwigs in Damascus (where else?). Of course, they're not involved in the fighting. Right.

It's abundantly clear to any sentient being that the mullahs of Iran and their Hitler -like puppet front man, launched this conflict to deflect (successfully) attention away from the nearly successful US effort to lay on some sanctions. Meanwhile, Iran is using "civilian casualties" to prepare whatever the hell it is preparing, before its "response" on August 22. Wonker has often wondered why the hell they are obsessed with this date, and will, beyond a shadow of a doubt, be able to stall until that date, given the abysmal and hopeless ignorance of their diplomatic antagonists at the UN. What's with the date? Perhaps a bit of pre-scheduled Armageddon, according to Robert Spencer. Read it and get nervous.

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