Friday, July 14, 2006

NEA vs. the Children

Tired of all the latest war coverage, including our comments? Here's an interesting snippet via RedState:
"The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's largest professional employee organization," says their website, "is committed to advancing the cause of public education."

And so it was a little shocking when USA Today reported earlier this week that the NEA has dished out over $8 million -- which is still a lot of money to us -- to various left-wing groups to fight the No Child Left Behind Act. This law of course pushes concepts like accountability and other notions considered heresy by the NEA. According to this study by Education Sector, among the groups benefiting from the NEA's largess were the left-leaning Americans for Democratic Action and an NEA front group called Communities for Quality Education.

At a per pupil spending rate in the US of roughly $8000, figure the NEA just flushed enough money down the rathole to educate a thousand kids. Sure is a funny way to advance the cause of public education.
Probably one of the most sinister organizations in the US next to the ACLU, the NEA is not much of a union anymore, but primarily serves as a fund-raising organization for left-wing extremists and the Democratic Party. NEA is not about education but careerism and the promotion of leftist propaganda to innocent schoolchildren, the better to raise lifelong cadres of Democrat-voting socialists and redistributionists. Hence, its fierce response to the very real threat posed by the No Child Left Behind Act as well as the voucher movement, the latter of which could break forever the monopoly these theives have over the vast amount of taxpayer money wasted each year on escalating per-pupil costs that produce educational results in inverse proportion to the actual expenditures made.

Anything that threatens this union's hegemony over America's so-called educational system and its ability to freely raise funds for leftist causes provokes a fierce and wrathful response, making them probably the most feared socialist organization in the US, again just behind ACLU, which in and of itself is probably just behind the AARP. It is astounding to us that the union movement, having once been coopted by Communists in the 1930s and 1940s—and which ousted these vile influences in the 1950s, by and large—should have allowed themselves to become so infested with these types again.

NEA is not about education. It is about indoctrination. And it is about fund-raising for Democrats. One wonders what it will take for the populace to finally figure this out. Significantly, the folks who figured this out long ago are the impoverished inner city blacks who typically trample each other every year to get educational vouchers for their kids in the few areas of the country where the NEA and ACLU, working in concert, have not been able to drive them out. Sadly, even these people, who understand the wretchedness of the NEA-dominated public school system better than most, cannot be motivated to make the connection and do the obvious: vote for the Republicans, who alone have fought valiantly for the school choice they so crave. And so the charade goes on.

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