Tuesday, September 05, 2006

AP Endorses Abortion in Style Guide

The Language Police in the MSM are always careful to craft messages that favor their leftist political leanings and their Gramscian desire to undermine common decency in the U.S. Take, for example, this subtle piece of news, buried in the AP style book, the stylistic "bible" of most American print media:
Abortion: Use anti-abortion instead of pro-life and abortion rights instead of pro-abortion or pro-choice. Avoid abortionist, which connotes a person whoperforms clandestine abortions.
RedState explains it all for you, with great clarity:
So what exactly have the folks at Associated Press done? In the firstplace, they've done a great "framing" favor to the pro-choice side by casting the pro-lifers as the "anti-abortion" side in the debate. As any "framing" person will tell you, labeling any cause as "anti-" anything will make it less appealing than labeling it "pro-" something else, even if they are functionally equivalent(pro-freedom sounds more attractive than anti-slavery; even the Democrats are slowly understanding that just being "anti-Bush" is an electoral loser; almost nobody votes for anyone whose main claim on your vote is being against something.) By contrast, the new AP style manual does the pro-choice side a huge favor; being associated with "rights" is an even greater boon than being the "pro-" side in a debate; the concept of "rights" strikes a powerful chord in the psyche of the average American. The AP could not have created a greater "framing" disparity if they had tried. I sort of gather that that's the point.
And further, how about their little two-step around the term "abortionist?" RedState sorts it all out for you:
The other ridiculous portion of this "guideline" is the treatment of the word "abortionist." Personally, it seems like a handy word to describe someone who performs abortions, but even if I were to grant that the word has pejorative qualities, the AP's explanation of why it should be avoided is laughable: it connotes someone who performs clandestine abortions?? In case the good folks at the Associated Press haven't been paying attention, there is, as far as I know (and I follow this issue pretty closely) no such person who exists in the United States. Given that current Supreme Court precedent mandates the legality of abortion at literally any stage of pregnancy, the AP has apparently concluded that the use of the most common word for someone who performs abortions connotes a person who doesn't exist and for whom there is no demand. Notably, the Associated Press does not offer a substitute word for "person who performs abortions" as there simply isn't one. I guess that we're all just supposed to forget that there are people in this country who perform abortions. There are people out there fighting for "abortion rights" (notice how they still avoid implying that anyone is pro-abortion per se) but no one actually performing them.
This is one of the best posts we've yet seen on the manipulation of language to favor anti-U.S., anti-Western positions. This is the kind of verbiage we see every day, 365 days a year in the leftie media. Once it's repeated long enough, whether true, or valid, or no, it starts becoming the perceived truth. And in such a manner, again and again, in issues ranging from abortion, gay marriage, and Bush Derangement Syndrome, the left chips what's left of our proud national heritage and cultural traditions away. Which precisely plays into the hands of our current enemies in the volatile Middle East.

1 comment:

bohem_chick007 said...

Thank you for the post! I'm a journalist who uses the AP Stylebook "religiously" :P and I think this AP entry is a bit slanted.