Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Liars Duet: The Clintons On Stage Again

Responding to the HillBill Clintons and their charge that the Bush Administration hadn't done anything, and the carpetbagging Senator's charge that the 9/11 Commission report showed that her husband had a lot to do, the editors of The New York Post, the NYC heartland's newspaper, and what every NYC firefighter reads, had the following to say:

As the 9/11 Commission report details: Despite irrefutable evidence of the threat from Islamic terrorists, "there was no National Intelligence Estimate on terrorism [undertaken] between 1995 and 9/11. There was no comprehensive review of what the intelligence community knew [about al Qaeda] and what it did not know and what that meant."...Indeed, the report concludes, Clinton's flaccid response may have led bin Laden to make the "inference that such attacks, at least on the level of the Cole, were risk-free."...In contrast, Bush - almost immediately upon taking office - "began developing a new strategy with the stated goal of eliminating the al Qaeda threat [to America] within three to five years."...Hillary's Hasty Rejoinder, The Editors, The NY Post, 9/27/2006

I'm guessing that was Bill's only flaccid response in eight years in office.

Liars never stop lying. You only have to ask Argentinians who survived decades of the fascist Perons and their heirs among the Argentine military. The lies are bigger than a stain on a dress; they flood everyone who listens. As anyone who's had a toilet overflow knows, such floods require more than deodorant and looking the other way. Secretary of State Rice looks up to the task, as does the President, as does the editorial board of The NY Post.


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