Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Drudge Crashes U.S. Senate Server

Well, not on purpose.

Remember that link we gave you in a recent post, wherein an Alabama weatherman rebutted the Weather Channel's alleged climatologist, Heidi Cullen? The good Dr. Cullen was making a thinly veiled attempt to impose censorship, via credentialism, on skeptical professional weather dudes who, en masse, aren't buying into the current "global warming" hysteria.

This link later proved exceedingly difficult to access, as was yesterday's link (festooned with an introductory ad you can click out of) to a follow-up story in the Houston Chronicle. Left-wing conspiracy? Commie-led denial-of-service attack?

Nothing that exciting, actually. Seems Drudge's fans—the silent majority that isn't buying the pro-Kyoto, anti-U.S. "global warming" scaremongering—swamped the Senate's servers to access the piece. We can infer something similar happened at the Chronicle, which was also tough to access yesterday.

Guess a lot of folks aren't buying into the "global warming" hype after all, eh? You'd never learn this, though, if you only consulted the MSM. Yet another reason to keep the Internet (and talk radio) free.

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