Thursday, April 26, 2007

Et Tu, Brute?

For a playwrighting class, Cho penned Mr. Brownstone and Richard McBeef (which, despite the Macbethian title, is a Hamlet-knock off about a young hero's lethal conflict with the new stepfather who murdered his real father)...Many have asked: "How could the English Department not recognize the horrific implications of these works?"...No one who wonders that, however, is familiar with the poetic oeuvre of one of Cho's own teachers, Virginia Tech's Distinguished Professor of English and Black Studies, Nikki Giovanni (for her website, click here)...Among the most celebrated figures of the Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and recipient of 21 honorary degrees, Giovanni has published poems strikingly similar to Cho's plays in both vileness and incompetence. For example:

The True Import of Present Dialog, Black vs. Negro, by Nikki Giovanni

Can you kill
Can you kill
Can a ni**er kill
Can a ni**er kill a honkie
Can a ni**er kill the Man
Can you kill ni**er
Huh? Ni**er can you
kill....Virginia Tech's Professor of Hate, Steve Sailer, Front Page Magazine, 4/26/2007

One might ask the same question about the rhetoric of Rev. Al Sharpton. By the "lights" of the Left, it's okay to be a racist, sexist, mud-and-slander-slinging thug if you're not white.

Oh, and surprise, Killer Cho was in Nikki Giovanni's class.


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