Sunday, July 22, 2007

Journalists Write Lying Crap. But Hey, It's Okay...

Instapundit unearths a link to the latest blithe illustration of moral equivalency. Now we discover, hail to deconstructionists, that the truth itself is actually relative:
As a journalist I hear all the time from people in business that they are misquoted. And you know what? People need to get over that, and I'm going to tell you why....

Journalists who think they are telling "the truth" don't understand the truth. We each have our own truth. When you leave out details, you might leave out what is unimportant to you but very important to someone else, and things start feeling untrue to the person who wishes you included something else...

So everyone feels misquoted because people say 20 or 30 sentences for every one sentence that a journalist prints. It's always in the context of the journalist's story, not the speaker's story...

Here's my advice: If you do an interview with a journalist, don't expect the journalist to be there to tell your story. The journalist gets paid to tell her own stories which you might or might not be a part of. And journalists, don't be so arrogant to think you are not "one of those" who misquotes everyone. Because that is to say that your story is the right story. But it's not. We each have a story. And whether or not someone actually said what you said they said, they will probably still feel misquoted.
This fatuous bit of crap is excerpted from the blithe rantings of one Penelope Trunk, via the Huffington Post. The gestation of this sophistry originated in a concept called "Situation Ethics," another abomination adopted the criminal Boomer generation, clearly appropriated and perfected by Bill and Hill. (Depends on what the meaning of "is" is.) In short, the deal is that declared reality is my reality. Screw yours. In my world it doesn't count. Or, as the wheezlingly old Hanna-Barbera cartoon character Quick Draw McGraw used to say, "I'll do the thinnin' [thinking] around here." (At least Penelope is candid.)

Maybe this is a good reason not to speak to anyone in the MSM. Whatever you say can and will be used against you if you don't follow the Party Line. And things that you don't say will be included as well. Do not mess with the pre-written story. The Commies are running this narrative line. Get over it.

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