Friday, August 11, 2006

Bush Behind Terrorist Plot?

ABC news, in an online report, has ID'd three of the suspects in yesterday's mass arrest of alleged terrorists in the UK—all with Arabic/Pakistani names. Typically, however, in the comment section below this short report, a moonbat has weighed in with a standard leftie "wag the dog" observation, naming the real three suspects. Without any corroborating facts, however:
'Three Alleged Ringleaders ID'd' <--Bush, Cheney, Rove? Bush bin Laden is planning another 9/11 - to strike just before the November 'elections' - as Lamont has shown that even Diebold can't save them now.
Note the pure, blissful stupidity here, thickened with additional snide "insider" references that ultimately don't really parse. There is, today, not much difference between Western leftists and Islamofascists, both of whom offer, at the drop of a hat, rote propaganda blaming others for their own myriad failings and lack of humanity. These are people who talk at you, not with you.

Clearly, both the modern American/European left and the Islamofascists share a common psychological defect. Both groups are trapped forever in their own facile and dangerous adolescence, much like fossilized flies embedded in ancient chunks of amber. The poor flies, however, had an excuse. They just weren't paying attention and got stuck forever. On the other hand, lefties, like Islamofascists, glory in their own sticky prison of malevolent ignorance. They have made a conscious decision to hate those who don't ascribe to their sickening dogmas an pre-programmed propaganda talking points. The truth of life for them is far too complicated to consider. Better, and easier, to kill those who don't agree with you rather than forcing yourself to think, which entails the clear and present danger of unmasking your belief system as a complete fraud.

BTW, I am hearing increasingly that it's disrespectful to refer to Islamic terrorists—whose world view essentially conforms to Adolf Hitler's—as "Islamofascists" or followers of the RoP (Religion of Peace). I will be happy to drop my use of this term when I start seeing massive peace demonstrations undertaken by the peace-loving mainstream of Islam. I'm actually sure that such people exist. But I have yet to see this exemplified in any meaningful way.

We are frequently harangued (almost always by the left) that if enough "good Germans" and "devout Christians" had stood up to Hitler when he commenced the Holocaust, the Holocaust might never have been able to unfold. But for whatever reason, they didn't and it did. There's a lesson in this. If you allow your country or your religion to be hijacked by murderous fanatics, you are complicit in their actions whether you like it or not. It was true in the 1930s. And it's just as true today.

UPDATE: A similar observation from Power Line:

"First, CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations] endlessly tells us that Muslims are peaceful and not terrorists. But then, in the next breath, it sticks up for the terrorists and objects to their being called fascists. Second, CAIR seems to object to any pejorative reference to Islamic terrorists. If we can't call them fascists, or militant jihadists, or Islamic radicals, or totalitarians or imperialists, what on earth are we supposed to call them?"
Hat tip to Instapundit, which has further links on this.

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