Friday, August 11, 2006

Neologism of the Week

Having helped uncover the Reuters/Hezbollah Photoshop fraud earlier this week, Charles Johnson, of Little Green Footballs fame, dubbed it "Reutersgate," no doubt in honor of the earlier scandal he'd unearthed: Dan Rather's infamous "fake but accurate" slander of George W. Bush during the 2004 fall election campaign. Which Johnson dubbed "Rathergate."

But Johnson topped himself with a neologism that really takes the cake, which he uses to describe the increasing number of faked photographs put out by the media-savvy Islamofascists and foisted upon the public as the truth by their willing lefty dupes in the MSM: "fauxtography."

Wonker is green with envy at this brilliant neologism, and may, at some point in the future, attempt to claim credit for its invention. Grrr. I hate it when this happens.

I'm also probably envious. I created a brilliant neologism years ago to describe Bill Clinton's serial sexual transgressions, calling him our "priapatetic" president. I thought this was pretty brilliant myself. But it never got the traction that I'm sure "fauxtography" will get.

So a begrudging congrats to lgf for adding a swell new word to the English language.

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