Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Election Prediction: Democratic Sweep in Doubt

Check out this little news item in today's Baltimore Sun:
Democrats plan to field a 500-person volunteer "legal protection team" on Election Day - composed mostly of attorneys - to guard against what they fear are GOP "voter intimidation" strategies in Democratic-leaning districts, party officials say.
Hmmm. This is a state that, in spite of its current Republican Governor (the first since Spiro Agnew in the late 1960s!), boasts a powerful and corrupt Democratic machine that runs everything, including the polls, much like New York's Tweed Machine dominated and controlled that city in the 19th century. If both Republican Governor Ehrlich, running for re-election, and Republican Lieutenant Governor Steele, running for U.S. Senate, are as far behind as the (biased) polls say they are, what's the big deal about hiring lawyers? Isn't this election supposed to be a Democratic cake walk? (The Washington Post has told us so for the last 6 months.) And indeed, what does this also say for the accuracy of the polls and the media across the U.S., all of which are uniformly biased in favor of the Democrats?

Across the country, the Repubs have been on the defensive, under 24/7 attack by an MSM infuriated that they were not able to turn the tide for their Democrat cronies in '00, '02, and '04. Simply due to trends dating back over 100 years, the Dems were due for a good run in '06, the second and final term of a president, during which the out-of-power party traditionally picks up seats. They tend to do that in non-presidential years as well, like '02. Yet in that year, both houses of Congress remained in the firm control of the party of Chimpy BushMcHitler. This should be the year where they exact their revenge on the Republicans who first ousted them from their rightful seats in 1994.

But maybe not.

There is an increasing likelihood that the Dems, ever-arrogant and condescending, along with their media minions, have once again overplayed their collective (pun intended) hand. The above story indicates this might be so. Granted, in Maryland, Governor Ehrlich is on the ropes, simply because the state has become so reliably knee-jerk Democrat over the past 3 decades. This in turn is due to the demographics of a state that are dominated as always by liberal-left Baltimore, whose ineffective Dem mayor, Martin O'Malley, is running against Ehrlich and piling up good numbers from his home base.

But it's Steele that has the Dems really worried. A win by this unusually attractive Republican candidate could seriously derail any chance the Dems have to take over the U.S. Senate. Should Steele win by a close margin, however, the Sun makes it clear that an armada of legal eagles will be on hand to help Amerikkka's Marxist party Steal from Steele an election that may now be going his way.

The very fact that the media mavens in the Sun are publicizing this legal phalanx now indicates that they're trying to help friendly Dems to socialize the meme of election fraud just in case Steele squeaks by. Having pre-positioned this story the week before the election, it will be easy to pitch it next week to the public just as this was done by the 'Rats in the 2000 presidential election battleground state of Florida.

This potential problem is further clouded by a backstory that has not really received national prominence. To win the Maryland Democratic primary earlier this year, the Democrats' current Senate candidate, Ben Cardin, along with the Democratic machine, combined to defeat, by a narrow margin, a nationally-known fellow Democrat, former U.S. Representative and NAACP head Kweisi Mfume. Mfume's near success was fueld by increasingly affluent black voters from Prince Georges County who, finally, may be tiring of white Democrats talking down to them. There is now a real threat that they will turn to Steele.

This astonishing potential development may bring out in public, finally, something we at HazZzMat have known for a long time: on many, many issues, black voters, particularly middle-class black voters—the kind who predominate in Prince George's County—are very, very conservative. They are sick of having been taken for granted by the Dems for decades, yet are terrified that they will be ostracized if they actually come out as Republicans and conservatives. With Mfume rebuffed by the Democratic establishment, and with black Republican Steele running neck-and-neck with establishment Democrat Cardin, middle-class Maryland blacks now may have the political and social cover they need to make the switch. Do not underestimate the shock and awe that will happen in the Democratic political establishment if they do this.

Have no doubt: If Michael Steele wins this election, it will be like a thunderclap throughout the land. If blacks have the courage to vote for the Republican Steele in the left-liberal state of Maryland, it will be a signal that black Americans have decided the Dems have taken them for granted just one too-many times. Democratic spin-meisters will claim this is no national trend, pointing to what appears now a likely defeat for Ohio's black Republican gubernatorial candidate, Ken Blackwell, whose run for office has been clouded by party scandals in that state, not his own record.

Stay tuned, and check out this story as well. And this, and this.

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