Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More on Sarah Palin from the British Press

BTW, in our previous post, we cited the Sun, a British tabloid, for our soundbite from the oleaginous Paul Begala. Hat tip to Drudge and Hugh Hewitt for the link.

The whole piece is worth a gander if you didn't bother to link to it. In a fresh, breezy manner, this nicely researched people piece tells you more about Sarah Palin that the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the TV network blowdries and booboisie have told you collectively over the past week.

Fun facts include the following:
Regarding the Governor's dad, Chuck: Today Chuck’s pick-up truck has a bumper sticker reading “Vegetarian — Old Indian Word For Bad Hunter”.

Palin may be conservative but she doesn’t seem prudish. Studying journalism at the University of Idaho, a photo has emerged of her in a T-shirt with a slogan across her chest reading: “I may be broke but I’m not flat busted.”
Read the rest here. This is a lady all of America will want to meet. And they can do so tonight on TV, up close and personal, before the MSM blowdries start attacking her again.

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