Tuesday, June 20, 2006

And "Nahr" to You, Too...

Building on a comment in the previous post, it's becoming pretty apparent that the two missing GI's in Iraq were indeed "slaughtered" by the Islamofascists, and also booby-trapped in the hopes of causing more death and mayhem. Obviously, the new Al Qaeda boy has to show his fellow thugs that he's just as nasty as the late Zarqawi who is currently roasting in Hades and has yet to spot a single virgin let alone 72.

The Anchoress observes that the "Geneva Convention Doesn't Fit Here:
It is very difficult to read the news of the deaths of our kidnapped soldiers. As a parent, all one can do is weep for the families of these men and pray for them, and pray for the people who boast of their “slaughter” while demanding their own be treated with kid gloves and accorded the treatment and considerations due real soldiers - the ones who wear uniforms and do not hide in shadows or shield themselves with children. (Imagine how many fewer innocent civilians would die if the Jihadists would just fight with honor).
Of course, The Anchoress is well aware of the answer to her own question when it comes to these thugs who apparently worship not Allah but Jason Voorhees. She and other bloggers are now wondering just how much play the Islamofascist torture issue is going to get in the anti-US MSM and blogosphere, vs. the screaming and howling that greeted, say, the "fake but accurate" flushing the Koran down the toilet story that burned up the headlines not so long ago, or the many lies smuggled out of Guantanamo by leftists who are willing to be the lackeys of these murderous idiots from the Middle East. (Of course, we and they already know the answer to that. Either silence. Or "blame it on Bush.")

The usual Islamofascists quickly rushed to claim credit for these latest buckets of blood, in a statement cited by The Anchoress:
The statement, which could not be authenticated, said the two soldiers were “slaughtered,” suggesting they had been beheaded. The Arabic word used in the statement, “nahr,” is used for the slaughtering of sheep by cutting the throat and has been used in past statements to refer to beheadings.
The Kos Kids have been cited for calling observations like ours "quaint." But even more quaint is the left's insistance that we play by the rules while the Islamofascists do what they please but cry "wolf" when we so much as give these murderers a dirty look.

But hey, who cares? Let's do more stories convicting (without trial) Marines who might have whacked a few Iraqis who may or may not have been terrorists. You wonder how lefty journos and bloggers can sleep at night. But what can one expect from folks who regularly find Bush far more "frightening" than the Sultans of "Nahr"?

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