Monday, June 05, 2006

John Kerry: Off the Record and Off His Rocker

In the news biz, if someone tells you something "off the record" you're not supposed to print it, although, I suppose, you could gossip about it or quote it indirectly without attribution if you were feeling slightly churlish. But it's one of those little rules of honor that keep the news flowing, more or less. At least that's the theory.

Lefty wackos, however, care for no rules but their own, as Amerikkka's most bourgeois excuse for a leftist found out recently:
Failed presidential candidate John Kerry blasted President Bush on Thursday as a "criminal" who has been "looting the country."

The Massachusetts Democrat offered the incendiary comments during an off the record meeting with liberal bloggers after a speech in Los Angeles to the Pacific Council on International Policy.

According to the Web site L.A. Observed, Kerry asked the bloggers to keep his comments confidential; a request they apparently dismissed out of hand without telling him.

Blogger "Hollywood Liberal" reports that Kerry "agreed completely with someone's assessment that everything that Bush does is solely for the purpose of looting the country."
Gotta love it. If you want more you can find it here.

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs for digging out this gem.

When you see the people of Massachusetts electing Stalinist-elitists like Kerry and Kennedy each and every year, you really have to wonder who's mixing the Kool-Aid in that state.

When you watch the ongoing antics, bloviating, and preening of John Kerry, and the Dems' other notorious loser, Ozone Al Gore, no sane individual can have any doubt as to why George W. Bush, for all his virtues and faults, won both elections.

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