Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Slaughtered U.S. GI's: Where's the International Human Rights Outcry?

I've found the silence of the "human rights" community rather perplexing in light of the apparent beheading, dismemberment, desecration, and booby-trapping of what was left of two young American soldiers once the Islamofascist "holy warriors" caught up with them. (And so has Jeff Emanuel.) The military is being discreet, but it's clear that the final moments of these American heroes were somewhat less than pleasant, as they appear to have been tortured to death before the ritual butchery occurred.

We regularly hear of the "horrors" of Abu Ghraib where no Iraqi prisoners were killed by GIs who are now in the slammer for it. And the peacelovers from lefty organizations like Amnesty International constantly harp on the inhuman conditions in Guantanamo where the resident Islamofascist butchers get Korans and prayer rugs and politically correct diets and where none of them have been killed either. But why is it that when Americans are actually tortured and killed for real, there's no international outcry from the peaceniks? Could it be because these not-so-closeted Marxists have a double standard? Could it be that they're not really for "peace" at all, but the destruction of the United States?

Just wondering.

UPDATE: Belmont Club's Wretchard weighs in on the weasels at Amnesty International on this topic. Read his commentary here.

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