Friday, June 23, 2006

New York Times Commits Treason Again

Astounding. After NYTimes and Washington Post "reporters" (read "leftist propagandists)won Pulitzer Prizes—and the qualified wrath of the Bush Administration they seek to destroy—the Administration made some motions toward calling them on the carpet for these obvious acts of treason. While such cases take time to build, apparently this pressure, such as it has been, was not enough to keep the Marxists at the Times from committing yet another act of treason, having been emboldened by the first. Luther's detailed his observations below, but I can't resist chiming in as well on this latest disgrace in a ounce-proud news business now nearly wholly in the hands of unelected Marxists, who, of course, don't need to be elected since they apparently don't recognize the duly elected representatives of the American government.

This time, the Times has, in spite of Administration please to hold the story, "uncovered" yet another intelligence operation that has actually netted terrorists! But no matter. After all, who at the Times gives a rat's ass about national security when you can blow the cover of U.S. intelligence activities and make Bush look bad. And probably win another Pulitzer in so doing.

The good folks at Power Line have some observations:
For my [Scott Johnson's] attempt to address the legal issues related to the Times's conduct, see the Standard column "Exposure," and for Gabriel Schoenfeld's, see his Commentary article "Has the New York Times violated the Espionage Act?" It is unfortunately past time for the Bush administration to enforce the laws of the United States against the New York Times. The Times and its likeminded media colleagues will undoubtedly continue to undermine and betray the national security of the United States until they are taught that they are subject to the same laws that govern the conduct of ordinary citizens, or until an enraged citizenry decides, like Bill Keller, to take the law into its own hands and express its disagreement some other way.
Keeping in mind that the Power Line guys are all attorneys, the above comments are not only accurate. They carry considerable weight. We can only hope that Attorney General Gonzalez is carefully building a case against the Times (and let's not forget the Post) and will bring it before a hanging judge before these arrogant bastards do it again. When you look at this kind of brazen disregard for national security, you are witnessing treasonous conduct, a violation of the U.S. Constitution, that approaches the territory of mass murder. Unbelievable. But being a leftist is never having to say you're sorry.

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