Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Congressman Johnson (R-TX) Recaps Dem Defeat Playbook

It took us awhile to reconfigure our "New Blogger" account to enable YouTube video uploads. But it was worth the hassle in order to bring you this awesome video of a speech to the House floor by Congressman Sam Johnson, a Korean War Vet and a POW in one of Uncle Ho's squalid prisoner-of-war camps for nearly 7 years.

As he speaks to a half-empty house against Idiotarian John Murtha's brazen, despicable slow-bleed cut-and-run policy, the Congressman recounts how the Vietnam commies made he and other POWs suffer by playing audios over the camp speaker system of Jane Fonda-esque leftists proclaiming our "defeat." Remind you of anyone today?

Johnson simply and quietly explains how vocal defeatists and propagandists for the left weakened our military efforts in the 1960s, and draws the all-too-obvious (except for the MSM) analogy to our current situation where Democrats "support the troops" while working 24/7 to undermine them. We'd call this casual sedition verging on treason. The Congressman does not. But after he's done, it's tough not to draw that conclusion.

Congressman Johnson's floor oration is perhaps the most brilliant short political speech we've heard since Ronald Reagan ruled the airwaves and thus the country. It's refreshing to hear the voice, and argument, of a real patriot as opposed to the faux "patriots" that are trying to demoralize another generation of American heroes just like they did to Johnson, John McCain, and countless others.

Click away.

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