Thursday, February 15, 2007

GM & Chrysler Win First HazZzMat Glass Navel Award

Back in our undergrad days, Wonk and his pals used to dispense a monthly Glass Navel Award on our campus radio station. The Award would be given to the individual, corporation, or entity that had its head (or collective head) so far up its nether orifice that doctors would need to insert a glass naval to enable the organism to view the path ahead.

It's time to revive the tradition after a decades long hiatus.

And the winner is...not John Cougar Mellencamp, not Bruce Springsteen, not John "Let's Lose Another War" Kerry, not the Democrats, but (drum roll, please)...

General Motors and Chrysler. With GM downsizing, Ford imploding, and Daimler wishing it had never seen Chrysler and now axious to get rid of it, even after yesterday's Valentine's Day Massacre, GM and Chrysler today rolled out their latest brilliant idea for vanquishing Toyota:
NEW YORK ( -- General Motors and Chrysler Group are in talks to develop a large sport utility vehicle, that would be similar to the Chevrolet Suburban, according to a report published Thursday.
Hey, let's give those dudes in upper management a big round of applause and the February HazZzMat Glass Navel Award! In addition, we eagerly await their next joint press release in which management will pat themselves on their collective back and pass around huge bonuses for once again thinking outside the box and giving the consumers exactly what they want: another monster gas guzzler that will generate more profits for OPEC. Maybe they'll even bring back Chrysler's idiotic "Dr. Z" commercial campaign to flack for this turkey.

Like Forrest Gump said, "Stupid is as stupid does."

(Of course, the only folks who'll want or be able to afford this joint "GM-C" (GM+Chrysler)fiasco will be Al Gore and the Hollywood enviro-freaks. They'll buy them so they can drive around the country in comfort, lecturing us all on how we'll just have to tighten our belts, ride bicycles, and live in environmentally-friendly tents without electricity in order to fulfill the Kyoto accords that China doesn't have to observe.)

UPDATE: Flash! Latest news report/rumor has GM actually acquiring Chrysler from Daimler. (Or not.)

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