Monday, February 05, 2007

Mexifornia: Reflections by Victor Hanson 5 Years Later

The national climate has radically changed, so much so that the arguments of Mexifornia—close the borders, return to the melting pot, offer earned citizenship to most aliens of long residence in exchange for acceptance of English and American culture—seem tame today, if not passé....,'Mexifornia, 5 Years Later,' Victor Davis Hanson, City Journal

This long, thoughtful article reflecting on his own book of 2002 is important to read for several reasons. One, it illuminates just what he says it will. But two, it exposes under harsh light the growing divide between U.S. elites and the rest of U.S. citizens regarding illegal immigrations. It is as if, Hanson shows, we no longer live in a representative republic but are instead the citizens of a tyranny.


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