Monday, February 05, 2007

Freedom House: The Left Still Has A Big Problem

Citizenship in the old American South conveyed liberty on white Southerners but not on those taken from Africa and enslaved on the cotton plantations. Germany, the Netherlands, and many other Western European countries honor the rights and liberties of their citizens but minimize those of foreigners who are enslaved in their sex industries or forced labor...What Freedom House has constructed is an index that measures the freedom of the free. If you are a slave, you do not count in the Freedom House index. More importantly, the efforts of those attempting to save you in your adopted country are not weighed in Freedom House’s ratings. This approach may reflect the thinking of Aristotle but not of Frederick Douglass....,Does 'Freedom' Mean Freedom from Slavery?, John R. Miller, National Review Online, 2/5/2007

What is it about the incapacity of major organizations like Freedom House to see slavery? John R. Miller illuminates this question well in today's NRO. One might ask a further question: what is it about the left that blinds them to the fact that many of their closest and oldest friends are hypocrites? National Review Online should be congratulated for pursuing this. It would be nice if the State Department or the Democrat Party tried the same thing.


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