Friday, November 04, 2005

Chirac Attack

A hearty hat-tip to Luther for that snip from today's editorial in the incomparable New York Sun. But the hits just keep on comin' as the Islamofascist Chirac Attack in and around Paris continues. The New York Post (not to be confused with Washington's Post) weighs in as well today with piece entitled "Why Paris Is Burning." (They must've consulted yesterday's HazZzmat for that headline.) Here, a leader of Intifada II articulates succinctly the nascent aims of the Second Caliphate and NYPostie Amir Tahari interprets:

"All we demand is to be left alone," said Mouloud Dahmani, one of the local "emirs" engaged in negotiations to persuade the French to withdraw the police and allow a committee of sheiks, mostly from the Muslim Brotherhood, to negotiate an end to the hostilities.

President Jacques Chirac and Premier de Villepin are especially sore because they had believed that their opposition to the toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003 would give France a heroic image in the Muslim community.

That illusion has now been shattered and the Chirac administration, already passing through a deepening political crisis, appears to be clueless about how to cope with what the Parisian daily France Soir has called a "ticking time bomb."

It is now clear that a good portion of France's Muslims not only refuse to assimilate into "the superior French culture," but firmly believe that Islam offers the highest forms of life to which all mankind should aspire.

Read the rest here. We wonder why this big story isn't getting more coverage in the MSM. (Not.)

During the last American election cycle, John Kerry basked in the support and admiration he attracted from Europe's smug, progressivee (read "socialist") elite whom he clearly regarded as George W. Bush's intellectual betters. Perhaps this new European Intifada might now cause Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, and their lefty friends to start thinking about who's really smarter, France's best and brightest or the gentlemen's C Yalie who currently lives in the White House. But we won't hold our breath.

Kerry and his supporters failed to realize that, if you ignore, denigrate, or diss your own culture, you encourage others to do the same, and the consequences can be deadly serious. Euro-intellectuals likewise should realize that using another country--in this case the US--as your punching bag to deflect attention from your own problems while taking on a false mantle of moral superiority is a cheap, easy way for corrupt politicians to remain in power. But can destroy nations from within by distracting their citizens from addressing clearly homegrown organic economic, political, and social issues that have nothing to do with George Bush's America. This is the lesson of Europe's folly. We'd best pick up on this ourselves before some self-proclaimed "emirs" in this country commence the first serious secession attempt since South Carolinians fired on Fort Sumter.

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