Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.Enlightened Democratic thugs have been taking to the streets to confront Steele during public appearances by pitching Oreo cookies at him. Just the kind of Stalinist-tinged juvenile delinquency you'd expect from today's New Dealers.
Let's parse the reasoning here. If a black guy runs for public office as a Republican, he's not an actual black guy but really a white guy in disguise. So there's no reason why you can't hurl racial epithets and Oreos at him. That's "free speech." It's not racism, because the Republican is not really black.
The problem with this is that if Wonker, who confesses to be of the Caucasian minority, were to hurl the "N" word at Kweisi Mfume, who is running as a Democratic candidate for the same office, he'd be arrested, tried, and sentenced to prison for the offense of "hate speech." Forgive us if we can't tease out the logic here.
Mfume, his friends, and the WashTimes continue to enlighten us:
"Party trumps race," eh? Oh, really? What would happen to a white guy of either party who said something like this? But you already knew."There is a difference between pointing out the obvious and calling someone names," said a campaign spokesman for Kweisi Mfume, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
State Sen. Lisa A. Gladden, a black Baltimore Democrat, said she does not expect her party to pull any punches, including racial jabs at Mr. Steele, in the race to replace retiring Democratic U.S. Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes.
"Party trumps race, especially on the national level," she said. "If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you. It's democracy, perhaps at its worse, but it is democracy."
But wait, there are more gems of wisdom, like this one, which references the continuing smears on Steele:
"That's not racial. If they call him the "N' word, that's racial," Mrs. [Delegate Salima Siler] Marriott [a black Baltimore Democrat] said. "Just because he's black, everything bad you say about him isn't racial."You have to love this. It's classic Gramscian cultural deconstruction gone amok--redefining the fundamental--and visible--concept of race to a metaphorical one and deploying the newly-redefined term to smear your opponent. This tactic would really be quite brilliant if it weren't also so transparently stupid and obviously counter-productive.
Meanwhile, our intrepid Times reporter also introduces us to Democratic political blogger and Repub-hater Steve Gilliard who defines deviancy down still further:
This week, the News Blog -- a liberal Web log run by Steve Gilliard, a black New Yorker -- removed a doctored photo of Mr. Steele that depicted him as a black-faced minstrel.Well, Steve might've pulled "Simple Sambo's" caricature, (and after the Times article came out, he also apparently excised the headline) but he's replaced it with a lovingly doctored portrait of Justice Clarence Thomas, who also is not black:
However, the blog has kept its headline "Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house." A caption beneath a photo of the lieutenant governor reads: "I's Simple Sambo and I's running for the Big House."

Steve's new caption: "The truth hurts,. doesn't it" [sic]. Yes it does, Steve, doesn't it?
Hey, just another day in the lives of those rascally, fun loving, progressive Democrats. The lesson here, we'd guess, is that for racist Democrats, racism isn't racism unless the racist Democrats say so. Or that hate speech isn't hate speech when you're smearing and slandering Republicans which is the same only different.
We shall overcome.
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