Thursday, November 03, 2005

French Toast

The MSM seems almost to be avoiding the ongoing rewrite of the historical tome, "Is Paris Burning?" Race-rioting, a la US-1968, has been flaring across the impoverished suburbs of Paris and elsewhere in France, sparked by charges of alleged gendarme misconduct from the largely Middle Eastern immigrant community.

One is tempted to gloat at French misfortunes after all the dissing the US has taken at the hands of the Chirac government. But then one reads something like this dispatch from an "American in Paris":
I had been invited to a Hallowe'en dinner party prepared by a couple I know, both of whom are chefs. During the dinner, I was asked by another guest if I supported Bush or Kerry. With a smile, I quickly and firmly replied "President Bush." To my surprise, the entire table - about 30 people altogether - burst out in applause. One woman said, "The U.S. did the right thing in Iraq. Chirac is on Saddam's payroll. That's the only reason our government has opposed yours there," and all the other heads at the table nodded in agreement.
Sound the klaxons, put on a Gershwin CD, and send this dispatch from the European front to two-time anti-war activist John Heinz-Kerry! There's much, much more here on Roger Simon's excellent blog. Yet another story you won't hear on the Clinton News Network (CNN).

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