Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The New Republic: Fake But Accurate, Round 3

Curiouser and curiouser.

The New Republic, and its prevaricator-in-chief, editor Franklin Foer, is now trying to explain away this Marxist rag's latest round of "fake but accurate" articles—the fictional nonfictions being used to smear our Armed Forces by one in their midst. For a condensed version of this disgraceful story, check out our previous entry on the topic here.

Foer's latest gambit is to denounce the blogosphere (the conservative blogs, no doubt), for smearing TNR. This is a typical Marxist tactic. When criticized, a good Marxist instinctively smears the critic. Then, when he's called on it, he accuses that person of "smearing" him. The aim, of course, is to deflect justifiable criticism from the Marxist while tarring the truth-teller with the charge. Since the MSM today are almost uniformly closet Commies, they, in turn, will amplify the baseless charge, and soon, the honest critic's rep is ruined. The dialectic again reigns supreme.

Since Foer has apparently made a decision to mount the Dan Rather "fake but accurate" defense for antiwar fabulator Scott Thomas Beauchamp—the defense that worked so well for Dan—Dean Barnett, subbing for Hugh Hewitt, has replied by launching a Franklin Foer "death pool." Players get to guess when TNR will have to sack Foer or get him to resign (explaining, no doubt, why this wasn't done in disgrace.)

Read all about Dean's fun suggestion here. (Trackback: http://rss.townhall.com/trackback/hughhewitt/011a7552-fdc7-414d-8513-ef882640fba4/)

As for HazZzMat? We wouldn't be surprised if Foer waited out the storm and survived. The scandal is not being flogged in the MSM, as it would be if, say, a blatant act of slipshod fact-checking had occurred on the Wall Street Journal's (conservative) op-ed pages. In addition, you have to remember, if a Marxist hack writes prose that is factually inaccurate but parrots the Party Line, that prose is therefore true. Likewise, anything a conservative says is therefore a lie. Always remember this.

Let's watch, though, and watch the ongoing adventures of TNR's very own Confederacy of Dunces.

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