Friday, March 31, 2006

Critical Mass in the Culture Wars

From Power Line:
Yale freshman Daniel Gelernter announces a new blog to unite college conservatives:
The renaissance of American culture will be the work of conservative students now on college campuses. We have seen religion in America grow weak and we want to make it strong again. We have seen Americans forget the meaning of good and evil, and of man and woman; we want to remind them. We have seen teachers politicize literature, art, and history; we want to restore art for art’s sake, and for the sake of truth and beauty – not for politics or "social justice." We want history professors to teach us the truth – not feminism, multiculturalism, or the latest revisionist fads.

There are some of us on every campus, but on most we are outnumbered. No single college has the critical mass of conservative student intellectuals we need in order to resuscitate this country and prepare its next Great Awakening.

The Critical Mass blog will unite conservatives on campuses across the country. It is a stream of information flowing through American colleges, growing with each new contributor and contribution, turning gradually into a river of conservative thought. The Critical Mass blog carries the ideas of today’s young conservatives.

Critical Mass ran its first piece three months ago, starting with a staff of three writers from two colleges. We now have pieces from nine different students at five different colleges, and we are ready to announce ourselves to the rest of the blogging world.
Wow. Allies!! Who knew? We're gonna put these kids in our Good Guys list. Thank God. Just as us Conservative Boomers who've fought the good fight are developing chronic arthritis, young allies are appearing on the horizon. Fresh reinforcements for the bloodied faithful. And the kids are right. The monolithic left has ground down those of us who remain on this side of the argument so thoroughly that it's probably the kids themselves who will finally gallop up the hill to plant the final Victory flag. But that's just fine. We'll watch from our wheelchairs, cheering lustily! Check them out.

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