Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Truth In Immigration Advertising?

...Between March of 2000 and 2005 the number of adult immigrants (legal and illegal) with only a high school degree or less in the labor force increased by 1.6 million... At the same time, unemployment among less-educated adult natives increased by nearly one million, and the number of natives who left the labor force altogether increased by 1.5 million....'Illegals Squeeze Out U.S. Workers,' Steven A. Camarota, Front Page Magazine, 3/29/2006

This huge article, with numerous charts describing what population has what jobs, should be required reading in the United States Senate. This assumes, of course, that Senators can read. Truth in advertising is a slogan that is rarely applied to politics, however.



Anonymous said...

Assuming Senators can read? That's a pretty good stretch, unless it's propaganda on a teleprompter!


Anonymous said...

This could be a proof of deconstruction's thesis that writing preceded oral literature. First, you had Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare and Milton. Then you had Senators who couldn't read them. Then, critics had to come in and read their explanations aloud into the Senate Record. This may not make sense.