Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Meet the Miracle Allah Fish

Folks, we can't possibly be creative enough to make this stuff up. There is a miraculous tropical fish in the UK that "bears the name of Allah." Here he is:

FYI, in case you can't make it out, the spelling is in Arabic, not English.

This miracle fish—apparently a cichlid whose name, in Arabic, may be pronounced something like Oscar—even has his own website, wherein you can study and observe jpegs of his miraculous finny visage and even watch a movie of him doing his miraculous thing, complete with authentic miraculous voiceover. Cichlids are known for attacking other fish, BTW, which could in this case be profoundly symbolic as well.

This obviously stunning manifestation may very well be the most famous divine apparition to occur on this planet since the face of Jesus miraculously appeared on a tortilla nearly 30 years ago. We are not quite sure where in sacred scripture or the Koran such contemporary miracles are foretold, but this pair of sightings strikes us as oddly ecumenical.

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs, which also has a link to a related cock & bull story. (And now we'll have to go hide out with the Danish cartoonists.)


Anonymous said...

I once saw an image of Willie Mays in a partially melted tab of butter. Should I have sold it on eBay?


Wonker said...

Dear A,

Yes, but you should have put it on ice first. Such an excellent memory would have been well worth pursuing.


Anonymous said...

A girl I once dated had a popsicle in the shape of part of Jimi Hendrix. Her friends venerated it. Is this related to the story?


Wonker said...

Could be, depending on the part in question.
