Friday, March 24, 2006

Return of the Russian Bear?

The first document (CMPC-2003-001950) is a handwritten account of a meeting with the Russian ambassador that details his description of the composition, size, location and type of U.S. military forces arrayed in the Gulf and Jordan....ABC News: 'US War Plan Leaked to Iraqis by Russian Ambassador.'

This is not a surprise, of course. If you remember the war, there was a huge incident with a pair of Russian generals stopped by American forces in a shootout as Baghdad was about to fall. The story here is not about perfidious Russians as much as it is an astounding fact, that MSM is starting to tell true stories about the war. This one even has the nerve to relate its facts to another, equally devastating story.

(Editor's Note: The Russian ambassador in March 2003 was Vladimir Teterenko. Teterenko appears in documents released by the Volker Commission, which investigated the Oil for Food scandal, as receiving allocations of 3 million barrels of oil ...ABC News: 'US War Plan Leaked to Iraqis by Russian Ambassador.'

Will wonders never cease? MSM telling actual stories instead of making them up? What would happen if they did this at the NY Times>?


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