Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Moonbats for Peace

In case you forgot, a group of "Christian peace activists" (read "anti-US socialists") from "Christian Peacemaker Teams" (the word "peace" in anything is a totally reliable signal that we're dealing with Marxist recidivists) were kidnapped in Iraq by some group of jihadists or another, and are being threatened, of course, with death. Their parent organization made this amusing observation:

“We believe that the root cause of the abduction of our colleagues is the US and British-led invasion and occupation of Iraq,” it said in a statement. “Many in Iraq have experienced this long war as terrorism. The occupation must end.”

Yep, you heard it. The "root cause" (another leftist marker) of the moonbats being kidnapped was the US and British-led "invasion" of Iraq. Excuse us? Wasn't the "root cause" of this kidnapping the fact that the peacenik moonbats were wandering through Iraq all by their little selves, uninvited by either the Iraqis or us? Wasn't the "root cause" their own wilful arrogance and stupidity?

Obviously not, if you're a moonbat. It is always someone else's fault. Everyone else is the "root cause" of the left's dissatisfaction today. It is never the left. Because they are always right.

Hat tip to Little Green Footballs for the original lead on this story.


Scott Hinrichs said...

You're right about the word "peace" in the title of anything. It's kind of like how the words "democratic" or "people's" in the name of any country mean that the country is a repressive Marxist state.

Wonker said...

Dear Reach,

Right you are. Just a couple of days later, I ran into this issue again in an entirely different context, the music of Aaron Copland. He was involved in "peace" as well. Link to the piece is at:

Let's have a good afternoon and avoid those "peaceniks" who probably want to kill us.