Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Energy Independence = Disaster???

Check out this headline from today's online CNN/Money pages, derived from Fortune Magazine: Oh, please.
Energy independence is a disaster in the making

It's been a rallying cry since the 1970s -- but it could doom the economy, the environment and our position in the world.

Writer Justin Fox is actually serious about this, blathering on that alternative energy sources could only become viable if we slapped huge tariffs on petrol at the pump. Oh, and we might have to increase our usage of dirty, dirty coal, too. Tsk! Tsk!

He bobs and weaves a bit, but this article is full of gaping holes. First of all, he wonders why we'd want to do this anyway, since Middle Eastern oil is relatively cheap, even today. Well, duh! What if Al Qaeda's homicide bombers get thru the Saudi cordon the next time they attack the huge processing facility there, just like they did last week? Does Fox actually have no concern about this at all? Prices don't go up just because we raise taxes. Al Qaeda can do this for us, without even holding a vote.

More intriguingly, Fox mentions not once our most viable and inexpensive way out of at least part of this mess: nuclear power, shut off for a generation in this country by a bunch of enviro-nuts who have absolutely convinced the populace that Three Mile Island was within minutes of turning into a mushroom cloud that would have obliterated western Pennsylvania. This absolute nonsense has vastly increased our dependence on foreign oil. AND domestic coal.

Finally, what's the issue with coal? It's cheap, effective, and we have lots of it. Yeah, it's dirty, but that can be fixed as well, although there is a great deal of resistance to that.

Obviously lefty writers like Fox check their skepticism, inquisitiveness, and intelligence at the door when discussing macro economic issues like this. By taking the best solution off the table and blithely discounting the mortal danger of Islamofascism, including its rapid grasp of oil economics and its ability to cripple the West, Fox helps his readers keep their heads in the sand even as our enemies plot 24/7 to use our energy dependence to do us in forever.

Asinine articles like this are why the MSM is rapidly heading into a black hole, from which they're unlikely ever to emerge again.

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