Friday, March 31, 2006

MSM Disgraces Itself Again

This snippet from a truth-telling piece by Victor Davis Hansen:
Now we hear Time Baghdad Bureau Chief Michael Ware, in a drunken, live interview (“In fact, I'm drinking now…I try to stay as drunk for as long as possible while I'm here”) from the heart of dry Muslim Iraq, recklessly throwing around charges that American soldiers are guilty of manhandling Iraqi women (“We've seen allegations that women have been mishandled or roughly handled. That always inflames passions”) and terrorizing civilians (“We've also seen insurgents criticize other insurgent groups, 'cause you're not doing enough to get the chicks out! I mean, that's how important it can be, this is a matter of great honor, and it's a spark”). Ware’s are precisely the lies and fantasies that feed the Islamists.
If any of our lefty fans doubt the authenticity of this MSM outrage, (Hansen doesn't link to a source), why don't you check out the actual video here?

Hansen arrives at the obvious conclusion. Rarely, however, has it been outlined so succinctly.
Indeed, the better example of ineptitude in this war lies with the media that demands from others apologies for incompetence that it will never offer itself. Few professions today ask so much of so many others and so very little of themselves.
As Instapundit is wont to say: Heh.

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