Thursday, April 13, 2006

Code Pink-o Strikes Again

The moonbats of Code Pink-o, perhaps tiring of hassling severely injured American heroes at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in DC, are now busily taking on an even more important task—stopping a war with Iran before it begins. And they're taking their case directly to Iran's deranged terrorist president and kleptocratic mullahs, right. BZZZZZZZZT!!!!!!!!! Wrong Answer! They're taking it to the American people and World Ruler Kofi Annan (he of the Oil for Food scandal) whom they hope will unite with them to stop Chimpy BushMcHitler from saving us again. Here's what they want you to spam the honorable Kofi with (and we'll occasionally interrupt with juicy, fiskful comments):
Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

We are appalled that the United States is threatening a military strike against Iran, possibly using nuclear weapons.
We are shocked, shocked that Code Pink-o would actually believe something that the MSM itself now admits was an unsubstantiated rumor.
As you are well aware, a preventive strike is illegal under international law, and the threat to use nuclear weapons against Iran, a non-nuclear weapons state, is a violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that the United States has signed.
Excuse us, but driving jetliners into the WTC and the Pentagon was rather more illegal, wasn't it, and I guess maybe it wasn't covered by "international law" since Al Qaeda is not a sovereign nation. So maybe we should wait for Kofi and Pooty-poots to rewrite international law for us while the Iranians take out Tel Aviv and whack the Sears Tower? Precisely WHAT international law?

And didn't Iran just announce that it was a nuclear weapons state? Which puts them in actual violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty that Iran signed in 1970?
A nuclear strike against Iran would undermine the entire legal framework of disarmament and non-proliferation that so many millions of people around the world, and the United Nations itself, have worked so hard to build and protect.
Kinda like Iran's intended nuking of Israel is already planned to do?
As the head of the United Nations, the repository of international law, you called the U.S./UK invasion of Iraq what it was: illegal.
Ah, so Kofi has sovereignty over the U.S. and the U.K. and can tell us that proactive self defense is illegal? We've been poring over the Constitution for quite awhile now, and we haven't found that clause. Maybe we should declare Code Pink-o's vicious spam for what it is: seditious.
Now we call on you to tell the Bush administration and the world:
From the position of moral authority and stature you gained by gaming the Oil for Peace program, of course.
--That any preventive military strike against Iran is illegal.
But that any preventive military strike by Iran against Israel and the U.S. is legal.
--That even threatening a nuclear strike against Iran - a non-nuclear weapons state - is illegal.
Like even threatening the sovereignty of the U.S. is seditious?
--That a nuclear strike threatens dire consequences - maybe even global war. We urge you to make a diplomatic solution to this crisis your top priority.
But a nuclear strike against Israel and the U.S. does not threaten dire consequences, maybe even global war, er, jihad?

It's pretty clear to any who care to read about Code Pink-o's antics that this is a Stalinist organization that puts out violent agitprop with a remarkable disregard for the lives and welfare of American citizens. They believe, as the Stalinist Communists of the 1930s believed, that the only sovereign state is the world socialist state that will be led by them and their ilk. The original dream had Moscow at the center of the universe, but the socialistic (and largely U.S.-funded) U.N. seems to be the venue of choice at the present time.

To give the Iranian fanatics a pass for their current and ongoing murderous antics is surely seditious and is now fast-approaching treasonous. And their call for a "diplomatic solution" is laughable. We've been trying, directly and indirectly, "diplomatic solutions" with these fanatics since 1979 and nothing has ever changed their ferocious hatred of the West.

The Iranians, in fact, learned an important lesson (as did many of our current enemies) from what the anti-war movement and the North Vietnamese did to us in the Vietnam War. By supporting the murderous Communist regime, the "peace demonstrators," who were, in fact, Marxist stooges, unwitting or no, allowed them to use "negotiations" with the U.S. as a cover that allowed them to continue their aggressive actions.

Iran, likewise, has no intent of "negotiating" seriously. Rather, given any opportunity to "negotiate," they will continue with their belligerance and intransigence while building their nuclear stockpile behind the scenes. When we wake up one morning and find, say, Boston reduced to a cinder, we might then understand what Iran—and Code Pink-o—have in mind when they encourage "negotiations." Never be fooled by known liars.

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