Thursday, April 06, 2006

WMD Denial -- What's Katie Couric's Slant?

One must remember that at the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the average Iraqi was more open to providing Americans intelligence. They wanted Saddam removed and wanted chemical and biological weapons removed as well. The people of southern Iraq had fully expected WMDs to be used against them as well. Each of their homes had been prepared for a chemical attack. Many had gas masks and had sealed certain rooms in their homes. We were shown this...Iraqis from backgrounds such as Iraqi Police officers, Doctors, Engineers, Iraqi Govt. officials, farmers, tribesmen, etc. identified sites that contained WMDs....Iraqi WMDs That Slipped Through Our Fingertips, Jamie Glazov & Paul Gaubatz, FrontPage Magazine.

Where was the Iraq Survey Group? David Kay's crew from intelligence services in the US, whose final report, the Duelfer Report, fiddle-faddled for hundreds of pages without coming to any conclusions, refused to come to the four sites discovered by Gaubatz's group.

The Agents and I knew we had found what we had been looking for. We immediately wrote our reports, which included all the source names, their credibility, their contact information, grid coordinates of the sites, and photographs. The reports were then sent to the U.S. Weapons Inspectors (in northern Iraq). This was mid April 2003. We were initially told by the Inspectors that their team was not organized at this point to conduct exploitations of sites. The sites we had identified would require an extensive amount of excavation. The actual ISG was not formed until a couple of months after the war. Not only did ISG not have the people and proper equipment, they advised Iraq was still a combat zone and very dangerous. ISG members further told us that WMD searches were being concentrated in northern Iraq, and not southern Iraq...This was the first and largest mistake by ISG. During my intelligence gathering the Iraqis had told us that Saddam concentrated on hiding the WMDs in the southern region because the history of prior UN Weapons Inspections had always concentrated in searches of northern faculties....WMDs...,Glazov & Gaubatz, FrontPage

This is mysterious to Gaubatz and to Glazov, but should it be? The same intelligence services who couldn't find anything after the war (after claiming things were there BEFORE the war) seemed to leak ex-agents during this period, ex-agents who fell over themselves rushing to the NY Times or the Washington Post with tales of perfidy, lying and betrayal by the Bush Administration regarding the war. One doesn't have to have security clearance to know this; it's been in the paper and on television with about the same frequency as advertisements for underarm deodorant. At least the latter helps to get rid of the smell. One wonders: was ISG under unwritten orders to not investigate genuine WMD sites? It sure looks like that.

I have respect for every U.S. member of ISG who served in Iraq, but as an organization, the management was poor. They were not organized nor prepared for this type operation. I compare them to FEMA during Hurricane Katrina. Good people, but poor management. Poor management results in disaster and failure..., WMDs...,Glazov & Gaubatz, FrontPage

He's a good professional and is kind to his colleagues, but "not organized, not prepared?" What the hell was the ISG there for, bureaucratic parades? What was David Duelfer's show in Congressional hearings about, a piece of theater to vindicate a fabricated search?

The intelligence myself and other Agents obtained on the ground never reached our President or Congress. The intelligence they eventually received was so diluted and politically scrubbed, that it was often far from the original intelligence we received. There was no intelligence failure; there was a serious dissemination failure...., WMDs...,Glazov & Gaubatz, FrontPage

"Dissemination failure" is a nice way to describe deliberate distortions, omissions and lies. Thousands of Americans and many more Iraqis have perished since March of 2003 because of this war. It removed a genocidal, mass-murdering tyrant and his regime to the evident joy of many millions of Iraqis, and has promoted successful constitutional and parliamentary elections, the first there have ever been in that region. What level of fratricidal gamesmanship was involved here, and when are the MSM going to stop colluding with officials whose seditious acts have endangered our soldiers and imperiled both Iraq and our Republic?


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Anonymous said...
