Saturday, March 31, 2007

Flying Imams, Flying Nuns? Glenn Beck Explains It All To You

For those HazZzMat aficionados who haven't been following the antics of the Islamofascsist "Flying Imams" in Minnesota, this YouTube video, courtesy of Little Green Footballs, will catch you up. You won't get this story from the MSM.

As we've mentioned before, the Flying Imams are suing the passengers who complained about their thuggish behavior, citing "discrimination." Sound familiar?

This commentator from the YouTube site where the video resides is wise to what's going on:

This is a war, a Jihad, even if many of us refuse to grasp this bit of reality. The "flying muslims" on that day were testing our defenses, and now making sure that passengers are too scared to raise concerns next time this happens. And next time will be for real. Next time they will perpetrate a real terror attack. And no one will speak up. These flying imams are enemy soldiers and they need to be dealt with accordingly.

Hey, lefties...whatever happened to that "wall of separation" between church and state you're always gasbagging about when it involves to Christianity? Does it apply to mosques, too? Hmmm? Better check your carotid artery before you answer...

It's kind of ironic. For at least the past half-century, the die-hard Marxists who effectively control today's Democrat Party have effortlessly destroyed the academy, our judicial system, and our cultural traditions one step at a time, by perverting, undercutting, or dismanteling all the unifying factors that have held us together as a Nation. Isn't it curious that they have now chosen to do nothing about the threatening Islamofascists who have made off with their playbook? What does this tell you about their much vaunted, always trumpeted "patriotism"?

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