Monday, March 26, 2007

Stalinists Block Conservative Content at Miami AA Club

Well now, here's something chilling but not exactly unexpected:
The gangsters at Powerline, such dominant forces in organized crime that they have dropped their former aliases (Deacon, Hind Rocket, Big Trunk) were convicted and sentenced to solitary confinement. Their crime was logged as “Hate/Violence.” Charles Johnson was also convicted and banished — his crimes included not only “Hate/Violence” but “Pornography” as well. And it certainly is no surprise that the Godfather of internet crime, Hugh Hewitt, was also convicted in the “Hate/Violence” category; after all, just look at incendiary books he has written.

What are we talking about? The American Airlines club at Miami International Airport is blocking the websites above, after its filtering program, Content Watch, convicted them of the captioned crimes. They are jailbirds now, and they are allowed no visitors — at least no internet visitors. (The case of Michelle Malkin is a bit more complex, since visitors are allowed, once they acknowledge that they are about to be exposed to her “Drugs/Alcohol” and her other “Illegal Activities.”)

It is most disturbing that mainstream Republican and conservative writers are being banned on the internet at public locations in the United States — and being smeared with accusations of drugs, violence, hate, pornography, and illegal activities. We did not do a comprehensive check of websites of a more liberal orientation, but we did note that Daily Kos was operating just fine.
Pretty interesting, eh? But wait, there's more. Little Green Footballs' (LGF's) Charles Johnson, one of the "purged" above, got comments indicating that censorship isn't only going on in Miami:
This is not just at the Admirals Club in Miami. I have had the same experience with LGF as well as Michelle Malkin, Powerline, and Blackfive at the Admirals Club in LaGuardia. No such problems at the clubs in San Jose or Austin as of early March.

I submitted all of the above sites to Content Watch to have them correct their blockage but it doesn’t appear to have worked.

And yes, both Kos and Huffington Post are available via the club at LaGuardia.
(For HazZzMat newbies, Kos and Huffington Post are both far left sites seething 24/7 with an insane hatred of America, its culture and traditions, and any patriot who believes in either. No point in gracing them with a link here, given the news we're reporting.)

Another commentator offered further corroborating info and an observation:
I had the exact same experience (LGF, Powerline, Captain’s Quarters) all blackballed at the AA Admiral’s Club at DFW this weekend. Checked Kos and it was up and running. Likely to be an internal AA staffer playing thought police ... person.
Adding to this Johnson's reportage on the systemic and systematic "burying" of LGF stories on Digg, apparently by a well-organized cadre of left-wing hacks, and an unpleasant picture comes into focus. Lefties like to chuckle at Wonker when he accuses them of Stalinist tactics, but here they are, front and center. Tools, hacks, whatever, are being employed on the Internet to censor news, views, and opinions that disagree with the Marxist orthodoxy that dominates the media, the professoriat, certain elements of the legal profession, and most traditional information channels. These, repeat, are classic Stalinist tactics, although we're not aware of anyone beside ourselves and Mark Levin who have regularly and consistently used this label to describe such thuggish behavior.

Of course, were you to turn the table on these Stalinists, they'd scream bloody murder and complain of: CENSORSHIP. You gotta love it. But that's the convenience of the dialectic. Nothing the left professes ever has to make logical sense. It just has to advance the party agenda. And nothing advances the party agenda like making sure that no one ever hears the other side of the argument. Just the Marxist propaganda.

Ask Al Gore and the environmentaloids about that. This is the real "inconvenient truth" that nobody on the far left wants you to know.

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